ATCC50761 价格
基本信息 | |
资源编号 | ATCC50761 |
资源名称 | HCedar25 [FL-5] |
种属 | Perkinsus marinus (Mackin et al.) Levine |
分离基物 | eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Cedar Keys, FL, 1998 |
提供形式 | frozen |
安全等级 | 2 |
模式菌株 | no |
培养方法 | |
培养基 | Medium 1886: Perkinsus broth medium |
传代方法 | Protocol: ATCCNO: 50439 SPEC: When the frozen ampule arrives, place it directly into a 35C-water bath and transfer its thawed contents to 14 ml of fresh medium in a T-75 tissue culture flask. Maintain by removing 13 ml of cell suspension weekly and replacing with an equal volume of fresh medium. Alternay, aseptically transfer 1.0 ml of a growing culture to 13 ml of fresh medium in a T-75 tissue culture flask. Please note: This strain has wide tolerances to most environmental variables, i.e., temperature range: 15-35C, salinity range: 10-60 parts per thousand; pH range: 6.0-8.5. The distribution of the species worldwide is not known. In order to avert the introduction of this pathogen into non-endemic areas, all culture wastes must be treated as biohazardous and autoclaved prior to disposal. There are no known mechanisms for eradication of this pathogen from the environment. |
生长条件 | Temperature: 25.0°C |
ATCC50761 价格
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