hth手机版登录入口 是一家专业从事标准物质、计量分析仪器和精细化工产品研发及销售的科研单位。是国内标准物质提供商之一,代理销售国内外数万种标准物质、微生物、菌种、细胞类等产品。
北京标准物质网隶属于hth手机版登录入口 ,具备强大的分析测试、技术开发、*、物流管理和售后服务能力,并与国内外众多检测机构、科研院校和工厂企业有着良好和稳定的合作关系,具有较强的权威性和影响力。
hth网页版在线登录入口 也隶属于hth手机版登录入口 ,实验基地总占地面积16亩,并设有细胞库、微生物菌种保藏库,细胞培养、菌种培养等实验室。拥有细胞和菌株2万余株,并设有生物资源信息库,收录信息达20余万株。致力于提供实验室综合解决方案,为广大客户服务。
基本信息 | |
资源编号 | ATCC CRL-3226 |
资源名称 | VMM5A |
种属 | 人黑色素瘤细胞 |
类型 | Melanocyte |
形态 | Epithelial-like |
提供形式 | 冻存管 |
致病类型 | Melanoma, Stage IIIC; malignant |
安全等级 | 1 |
模式菌株 | 未知 |
应用领域 | Drug screening Development of targeted therapy Development of combination therapy Tumor vaccine development |
说明书 | 点击下载 |
产品图片 | 点击下载 |
培养方法 | |
培养基 | 90%RPMI-1640+10%FBS |
传代方法 | Volumes are for a T-75 flask; Adjust accordingly Remove and discard the cell culture medium from the flask. Rinse the cell monolayer with Dulbecco’s PBS without calcium or magnesium and remove. Add 3 to 4 ml of the trypsin-EDTA solution, rotate flask to rinse cell monolayer, remove trypsin solution, and incubate at 37oC. Once the cells appear to be detached, add 10 ml of complete growth medium with a pipette to the cell suspension to inactivate the trypsin. Gently wash any remaining cells from the growth surface of the flask. Check the cells with the microscope to be sure that most (>95%) are single cells. If cell clusters are apparent, continue to disperse the cells with gentle pipetting. Subculture as necessary. Place the flask back into the incubator. Examine the culture the following day to ensure the cells have reattached and are actively growing. Repeat when cells reach confluence. |
生长条件 | 95%空气+5%二氧化碳37摄氏度 |
生长特性 | 贴壁生长 |
存储条件 | 50% RPMI-1640+40%FBS+10%DMSO液氮 |
详细说明 | |
Age | 81 |
Gender | Male |
Ethnicity | Caucasian |
Derivation | Derived from tumors taken from tumor-involved lymph nodes from patients at the University of Virginia |
Clinical Data | Primary Site Right Posterior Shoulder; Metastatic Site Lymph Node, Right Neck |
Antigen Expression | Positives High VEGF-R2, Low GP100, Tyrosinase, Low MAGE-A1, MMP-1 |
HLA Typing | A2.1,A1101,B39,B44, BW4,BW6,C7(17)DR7, DR8,DR11,DQ2,DQ7 |
STR Profile | Amelogenin X,Y D5S818 9 D7S820 9,10 D13S317 12 D16S539 12 vWA 16 TH01 9.3 TPOX 8,11 CSF1PO 11 |
Sterility Tests | Pass |
Passage History | Unknown. 2 passages from 2003 frozen cell line stock, but it is not known how long the line was in culture after being established from tumor tissue obtained in 1992. |
Year of Origin | 1992 |
描述 | NRAS: wt CDKN2A: wt BRAF Mutation: V600E APC Mutation PDGFRA Mutation: D842V PTEN Mutation: R173H more sensitive to BAY43-9006 (BRAF kinase inhibitor) and to rapamycin (mTOR kinase inhibitor), compared to cell lines with wild-type B-Raf |
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